Donate now to help us share the love image

Donate now to help us share the love

A monthly donation allows us to share the love through welcome gifts, care cards, memorial gifts and scholarships.

$11,838 raised

$15,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Share the Love Each Month through our Rockin' Family Fund

The Rockin' Family Fund: Share the Love!

Behind every child born with Down syndrome, there are parents – a mom and/or dad who experiences the unforgettable moment of hearing the diagnosis for the first time. The Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network exists to support these "Rockin' Families" through that diagnosis experience and into early childhood. Our Rockin' Family Fund makes that support possible like never before.

This year we expect to welcome about 600 new parents into our online rockin' groups for parents of a child with Down syndrome. We are reaching about 15% of the families welcoming children with Down syndrome in the United States each year, and growing faster by the month. As of 2021, we now serve over 16,000 families!

Your generous donation will help us bring to life activities like these:

Welcome Gift

When a new parent of a child with Ds joins our community: A warm welcome gift coupled with helpful information and resources—and a message of congratulations, possibility, and encouragement that's so often otherwise missing from the experience.

Care Package

When a child undergoes surgery or has an extended stay in the NICU: A card and care package to remind parents they're not alone and promote community among all our member parents


When a child with Ds passes away: a special, personalized gift to commemorate and celebrate that child's life, and remind parents that they are always a part of the Rockin' Family


When a parent wants to learn or recharge: a scholarship to attend Ds-related educational and networking conferences, classes, or events. At this time, all scholarships are chosen at random from applicants

Are you a rockin' family that would like to create a donation page of your own for this fundraiser? Go here to set up your own page and THANK YOU for helping us celebrate and support DSDN families.