Christy Cooper

Christy Cooper's Fundraiser

Help Us ROCK Our 2023 Fundraiser! image

Help Us ROCK Our 2023 Fundraiser!

Help DSDN support parents receiving their child’s diagnosis.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$2,511 towards $2,000

Processing Kellan’s Down syndrome diagnosis made me feel completely alone. DSDN connected me with parents like me all over the globe so I never feel that I’m in this alone!

At Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network, our vision is that every Down syndrome diagnosis will be delivered in an unbiased, factual, and supportive way every time and that families can quickly find meaningful connections. Your donation of any amount helps us work toward making that vision a reality

DSDN is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit operated by two paid staff members and over 150 volunteers and funded by generous donations from supporters like you.

Check out our most recent Annual Report for more specifics on how we allocate funds.


  • Support and connect thousands of families online
  • Fuel our Rockin' Family Fund through:
    • Pregnancy Gifts
    • Welcome Gifts
    • Memorials
    • Care Gift Cards
    • Scholarships
    • Adoption Grants
    • Gifts to local organizations
  • Provide opportunities for parents to connect, be inspired and recharge at our annual Rockin' Mom™ and Dad retreats
  • Talk with with medical providers about the diagnosis conversation across the US at national and regional conferences
  • Work with OB/GYN residents and medical providers on how to deliver an unexpected diagnosis
  • Mail print materials free of charge to local organization, medical providers and families
  • Reach thousands of new families joining the Ds community each year
  • Connect rockin' families to local organizations